21 February, 2009

Must resist the evil tempress Mary-Sue

I'm writing a difficult scene. It's difficult for me because of the emotions. The hero of my story just caught the heroine, and his love interest, sitting in the lap of her ex-husband kissing him.

The story is written first person, from her point-of-view, and I feel like the hero just caught me cheating on him. I suppose in a way I am, since I plotted and constructed the scene.

It's not a good feeling. I hate that he's hurting, (my characters may be a bit too real to me). My initial reaction is to have the heroine do something that would make him certain of her love for him, and maybe splash whiteout all over the crappy stuff in his past so he can be a happy, well-adjusted individual and we can all take a trip Mary-Sue Land, where all is perfect and good.

We would be rich, and sing in perfect harmony even though we never sang before in our lives, and we would be able to master any type of magic without even trying. We'd have mood ring eyes and everybody would just lurve us so much because we're soooo perfect, even though we bitch and moan about how crappy our lives are. I would write all of it in neon purple prose, using big words that I don't understand and couldn't be bothered to look up. Then I would plaster my genius on the internet for the world to see. It would be good times for everyone but the readers.

It is time for me to take a step back, remember why Mary-Sue Land is not right for the stories I'm writing, and turn my inner bitch back on.

I can give my characters mental hugs and happiness when the story is finished. At least until the sequel.

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